• Cancún, Q. Roo, México 77500
  • Call: +52 (998) 176 8084
  • Mn - Fr: 8:30am - 7:00pm
  • St: 8:30am - 5:00pm
  • Sn:Closed

Dental Bioesthetics

Dental Bioesthetics

We can say that Bioesthetic Dentistry is the study of dental beauty in its natural form and function to achieve harmony, balance, function and beauty in the patient’s mouth.

And not only in terms of the teeth, but also the cranio-facial and mandibular system through the perfect stability of the temporomandibular joint and the neuromuscular and dental structures. Thus, dental bioesthetics deals with three main elements: the shape of the jaw joints, and the shape of the anterior and posterior teeth.

Bioesthetic Dentistry will be responsible for eliminating any symptoms of pain or joint and neuromuscular discomfort at the cranial, cervical, facial and oral levels.

Also, it will work to make all those vitiated postures of the cervical and mandibular spine disappear, to later do the rehabilitation of the teeth in the new and adequate mandibular position.

When the occlusion or the chewing system is not correct there are problems. Occlusion is the way the teeth articulate when chewing and has a direct influence on the jaw and its articulation with the skull. These problems can cause worn, broken teeth or even their absence, with the consequent loss of aesthetics in the face.

Symptoms and aspects associated with masticatory system problems

*Head, face and neck pain.
*Pain and or noises in the jaw joint.
*Grinding or clenching your teeth.
*Worn teeth
*Difficulty eating
*Frequent fractures of dental restorations.
*Fatigue facial expression.
*Unsightly smile.

Bioesthetic Dentistry aims to incorporate the same characteristics and principles that exist in the natural masticatory system, to stabilize the bite and thus correspond to a physiological position with the base of the skull.

At Conscience Digital Dental Clinic We have state-of-the-art technology, such as scanners, milling machines and 3D printers (among others) and trained Doctors by OBI Mexico.

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